Hiring of laser expertise
- Are you struggle with the leakage of laser specialist?
- Do you not able or do you not worth to apply a laser specialist for 8 hours daily work?
- Do you have an urgent-starting laser project? And there is no time to wait for the arrival of a new workforce, and his training?
- Do you need a new process setup due to the change of material or product? Or were the requirements changed and the technology had to be setup again?
- Do you want to optimize or make more economical the current processes?
What I offer to you:
Do you need a laser specialist temporarily or for a longer time? Don’t you not know what time will take place the capacity demand? Don’t you need instructions, but a solution immediately?
I’m available for you flexibly, according to your requirements, at any stage of laser technology projects: At the planning of project, when you select machine technologies. At project start, when you plan material flow paths and layout. In project, at the preliminary planning of technology parameters and defining the quality features in advance (what, why, how to measure?). At finishing the project when you are finalizing technology parameters and quality features. During the pilot series, when change the technology because of different materials (batches) or if you define an action plan. During serial production, if you want to examine how to make your products more economical.